Saturday, 30 November 2019


But moral of the story is: Always be positive, because as long as you can take a breath, you have hope. And a good friend. XD Time and Date - 6: How does this happen? Someone who understands me. Contemplate your existence in harmony with nature, know that you are who you are meant to be. summit shy kidx remix

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Like for example 2 days ago we were going over our packet for Spanish. So much can happen in one year, one month, one week, one day, one hour, so much can happen in the next minute. Teachers like my because I always do my work and never talk in class. But I just want to tag you. And these idiots after their turn they say my name that I should say something. Up to right now, I was ok.

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Up to now I was ok. She has the best grades in the class and symmit get amazing exam results. And you can either let them walk all over you, or prove them wrong. Calm, confident, easy going…not really. Once in English class we were reading a play and I had to read a bit out.

My teacher had to leave half way through and a substitute teacher came in to take the class instead. kudx

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Even just a little hello or a smile would help. XD They turned out delicious! Log in Sign up.

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So when I was 4 we had this party and I was playing the part of the wind and I had to say something like a speech about what I am and what I do and stuff like that. And a good friend. You never know, you could have the next Oscar winner or famous kkdx comedian sitting at that table all alone. I think she should be studying more and getting more homework How does this happen?

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It is not fucking OK to pressure shy kids into talking. What would I say to him? This back and forth is temix happens inside my head all day.

Every single year I hate parents night at school.

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Ask kawaiifaby a question matthew sexy deep voice shy shy kid weird stories stories cute stories funny funny stories kawaii blogger ask me. XD Wearing Right now - White floral tee and red baggy pants. Always summih positive, because as long as you can take a breath, you have hope.

I need time to get to used to everything which takes forever. But seriously all the my past teacher would always call on me or tell my mom I should talk more. Other kids come to me for help on homework because I listen in class and barely have a social life. It was so cute, one of my favs ever.

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But overall he is really cool. They are different and if you can accept gay,lesbian, trans,bi people I suggest you should accept awkward, shy classmates and make them feel comfortable.

For someone with social anxiety going to school has never been easy it has been an endless 5 day torture. In my mind failure, even the smallest mistakes make me feel worthless. I feel like my only real highlight was going to Sunmit with my girlfriend, our first trip together, our first trip personally.

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